Lucky and I ran into some rain when we got to Saskatchewan so I stayed long enough to get some photos at the bird sanctuary but bird watching is hampered when you have a dog along....
We decided to continue to Terra and Darcy's in Olds. They live in the country with their dog, cat and 3 horses. The country is beautiful, rolling hills, fields and cattle amid oil wells and iron horses.
They have given me the most beautiful 5th wheel trailer to stay in. I am feeling so pampered. This trailer has a garage in the end section that is now Lucky's dog house. There is a new family of foxes beside an old granary. Darcy put a camera on a tree close by and it has been taking pictures of the little ones, Yesterday as I walked past it I was able to get a picture with my cell phone, Because of the foxes, Lucky and Bear (Terra and Darcy's dog) have to be tired up
Baby Fox |
My sister Sandy arrived with her mini Winnebago towing a little car behind, Yesterday we went to Ram River Falls, Getting there involved a long drive on gravel roads into the mountains by Ya-Ha-Tinda (the government ranch) then a short hike up the river to the falls, A great place to sketch!
Terra on her way to the Falls |
Ram River Falls |
This morning we left the dogs behind and went to the Red River Guest Ranch for brunch. Need to find some time to paint and draw... Having a great visit here,